Characters > Species and Races

Species and Races


Created by Asharderis and imprisoned in the Endless Abyss, demons are made from a mix of the Demon King’s lifeblood, the Abyss itself, and lost or cursed souls stolen away from Oethus’s grasp. Demons are weak without a will, but will seek to gain more power by nature, consuming souls and magic.

Long-lived and ferocious, dragons are toward the top of the natural food chain of both Ithuan and Kerios. However, their wars with the other mortal races have resulted in them being quite rare now, even hunted for sport in a select few cases. These reptilian giants are generally feared as a result.

Dragonkin are the result of a war-ending pact between a family of Kerian elves and a few desperate dragons, who knew their species would kill each other off if the battles continued. Now they reside as a reclusive but colorful and vibrant society, high in the mountains of Shil’vikas.



The stubborn, hardy dwarves are known far and wide for their craftsmanship and ingenuity. Originating underground, near volcanic activity, these masterminds are extremely resistant to toxins, making them incredible explorers… and brewers. Their inventions are unrivaled.

The immortal spirits of emotion and wilds, the fae are a patroned race, the children of Lith. They are both chaotic and orderly, a divided and powerful race— from tiny tricksters and mischievous sprites to near god-like entities— lead by ancient children of the Faewilds and their Goddess.

Masters of magic and grace, elves are the creation of Lith. Their ways of life differ based on their widespread environments, but all elves share some form of devotion to their goddess— save for a few. Those who betray their own culture are shunned at best, and cursed at worst.



Festering in the hidden shadows of long-lost ruins, the Haulos are simultaneously beastial, fungal and insectoid. Mutated from the dark energies of the Rift, these new horrors have since spread across the eastern continents of Kerios, primarily in the wild lands of Surbrim.


In Terran’dolm, three modern cities raised into the sky upon ancient ruins after Kerios’s catastrophic split, leaving many below to mutate and become something… different. Now, society has advanced enough to return, and they find that a new civilization has emerged from the ashes.


The Giants of Ithuan are enormous, hulking figures, and boast far greater strength than the smaller mortal races. Divided by the sky and the earth, giants are few and far between, but are also renowned not just for their physical aptitudes, but their sense of honor and tradition among their society.


Humans are, above all else, adaptable. Their ingenuity and stubborn methods of survival have enabled them to spread across the cosmos with ease, becoming the most common folk in both Kerios and Ithuan. As Zek’s precious creations, their potential knows no limit.


The land isn’t all that hosts sentient life in the cosmos. Both the Merfolk of Isle Primordia and the Merga of Kerios dominate the seas, far more adapted to the waves. They are generally friendly, though they don’t often participate in the conflicts of those outside their watery domain.

Sleep is supposed to be a state of rest and relaxation. That is, until one finds themself lost in a nightmare. Nightmares can take physical form in the Realm of the Unconcious, and their many varieties inflict both terror and more… tangible results. Be wary when you slumber…


Hulking brutish humanoids, trolls hail originally from Niflheim. However, they now take residence in whatever environment they can find purchase in. Surprisingly adaptable, the trolls are also tough— with renowned natural regenerative abilities that have shaped their, rather practical, traditions and culture.

The Twisted are the newest species to come into being, and have only recently been discovered on Kerios, close to the Rift. While not much is known about them, many consider them bad omens, for their appearance is monstrous and they have been observed hunting strange and powerful creatures.

The undead are unnatural, abhorred, and hunted across the cosmos. They are as diverse as they are disgusting, from powerful liches and vampires to lowly shambling ghouls and zombies. All undead are abominations to the natural order, though many are easily controlled as means to potentially noble ends.



There are far more than just these sentient races of the cosmos, so here is a list of other creatures found on the planes!