Species and Races > Elves

The Elvish Dynasties

Masters of magic and grace, elves are the creation of Lith. Their ways of life differ based on their widespread environments, but all elves share their devotion to their goddess— save for a few. Those who betray their own culture are shunned at best, and cursed at worst. There are four main Elven ethnicities, each with their own cultures and homelands. Much like humans, not all elves get along, and many find themselves under scrutiny from others of a different nation.


Native to mid and southern Dulatica, the High Elves of Ithuan are its oldest superpower. In ancient times, the High Elves differentiated themselves from their kin by leaving the more simple life of forest nomads behind, building instead the Moonsilver Dynasty; an empire among the mountains and valleys of the south.

Found in Dulatica and Restalo, Wood Elves may seem as the weakest of the dynasties. While they are the smallest in population, they hold their druidic tradition at the forefront of everything they do, living in synergy with nature. This has earned them the most favor of their kin from their Goddess, Lith.


The most powerful force within the barren landscape of Kelratra is undoubtedly the Desert Elves. Though they once represented a more nomadic group than their kin, under the leadership of House Onyxmind they have built a new civilization in their lands, once thought rendered an inhospitable desert by the Spirit War.

Native to Lithul and Shil’vikas in central and north-western Kerios, these elves were largely separated from the elves of Ithuan, having migrated through the Faewilds at Lith’s guidance. Once a powerful dynasty, there are now only a select few pureblood Kerian Elves left in the forests, and those that remain are wary of outsiders at best.


Addendum: Dark Elves & House Firebane

It is important to note one other kind of elves, Dark Elves. They are not elves of any one dynasty or ethnicity— rather, a Dark Elf is classified by bluish or purplish tints to their hair and skin tone after prolonged exposure to dark magics, especially dread magic. This exposure may also cause additional mutations or the development of unique magical abilities. They are common around areas such as Nightport and Gorgabad, and because there is no single dynasty they are inherently loyal to, many Dark Elves seek comfort amongst their own kind, and those who would not shun them for their features. Thus, many Dark Elves have pledged themselves to more… flexible leaders, such as Lord Nazal in Gorgabad. The only known House of Dark Elves is called House Shadeblood, though little is understood of them otherwise.

In addition, there is one other House that is made up of elves from multiple dynasties; House Firebane is comprised of elves and their descendants who effectively went rogue during the Great Spirit War to become an elite fighting force. Their combat prowess earned them the title of House, despite not technically counting under official tradition. Firebane Elves tend to be mixed between High and Wood Elves, though there are also some Desert Elves who remain untouched by their people’s curse. Their House power is resilience against and even being healed by nonmagical fire, and many mages among the House have a predisposition towards pyromancy. They, in theory, owe no allegiance to any dynasty, but often ally themselves with the High Elves.