Species and Races > Demons


Demons are the dominant and virtually the only race present in the Endless Abyss. This plane is split into fiefdoms under each of the Demon Lords, who warp the environment to their whims.

Demons all serve the Asharderis, the God and King of Demons, the ultimate power within the realm, who rules from the Citadel of Twisted Iron. The Demon King controls the realm with a mystical staff, known as the Staff of the Endless Abyss. Whoever holds the staff is considered king and controls the Endless Abyss.

Demons are invariably hostile towards nearly all other races, particularly humans, elves, dwarves, celestials, and especially fae. Demons and Fae are near-polar opposites, and hold deep-seated hatred for each other regardless. Demons will never die of old age, but often meet their ends in combat.



Demons do not require education, as they are souls of those who were evil in life pulled away and corrupted by Asharderis. They retain enough memories to be able to function effectively in their new forms. Thus, there are no known educational institutions within the Endless Abyss. Demons learn new skills generally through kinesthetic learning.


Renowned for their brutality, demons are savage and powerful fighters. While all demons are dangerous, few outside of those conscripted by militaristic Lords are properly trained. Most rely on regeneration and strength to overpower foes. The demons prefer weapons made of demonic iron— an incredibly crude but strong material— and mass produce brutal blades and serrated weapons, alongside massive siege weapons. They prefer offense over defense, armor featuring brutal spines and many variances due to the variety of forms taken by their wearers.


Demons who are capable of— let alone willing to— heal others are exceedingly rare. They usually specialize in essence healing, as that more than physical healing is needed by wounded demons due to their nature. Many demons wear their scars and remnants of brutal injuries with pride— some even to the point of self-impairment.

Daily Life

Demons prefer harsh environment, and any profession that involves either combat, pleasure, or an element they connect to (like fire). Some scholars theorize they can slightly and temporarily empower themselves using adrenaline or dopamine rushes. However, this is unconfirmed. Demons often celebrate for no apparent reason, disliking the Festival of Roses and similar events. Demons are exclusively carnivorous, and will even eat raw meat and that of other beings with essence.


Demons are separated into eight categories of increasing power. Damned Souls, Imps, Lesser Demons, Fiends, Greater Demons, Archdemons, Demon Lords, and the Demon King. Each caste holds and wields more political and physical and/or magical power than the last, with each being able to raise those beneath them up to the rank below their own. Thus only Demon Lords can make Archdemons, and only Asharderis can make Demon Lords. There is much conflict and intrigue in the interests of climbing the ranks, and this survival of the fittest ensure that the strongest demons are the most ruthless and devious. In contrast, the bottom ranks have a harder time keeping themselves put together, as their essence has difficulty filtering the anger, pain, and corruption out of their minds, so those of status weaker than a Greater Demon often suffer from extreme mood swings and instinctive violence.

Religion & Holidays

Demons celebrate holidays in the name of the various Fallen Gods, and they directly spread worship of their Demon Lord, and indirectly, Asharderis himself. All demons pay homage to the King, and thus he is the center of their religious traditions. Not much is known otherwise.


Demons prefer a heavy, ominous style of building that involves reinforced walls, spikes, and eerie carvings. Their design isn’t always practical, but it is always intimidating. Rarely is anything constructed comfortably in the Endless Abyss, and more often than not, things are designed to withstand conflicts between demons, and the incredibly harsh climates of their realms.



Black Knights

History and General Info

Black Knights are elite demon warriors, also called Dread Captains. They are dressed in glossy black armor forged of demon iron and darksteel made in the Black Forge, an armory located in Asharderis’s fortress. They wield various weapons, also created in the Black Forge, and in their back they have a cape displaying the colors and symbol of their Lord. Black Knights are exclusively Greater Demons or Archdemons, and possess abilities granted by their master. They are as close to a law enforcement as the Demon Realms have, dominating through force and intimidation.


  • Forged of Shadow- The armor of a Black Knight are hardened with potent hexes and enchantments that allow the armor itself to heal like flesh over time, and deflect even some magic weapons.

  • Empowered- A Black Knight’s physical abilities, regeneration, resistances, senses, and magic are enhanced while they wear their full suit of armor.

  • Loyal to One- Black Knights are compelled to be loyal to their master through a hex on their helmets. It isn’t absolute, but it is powerful.

  • Hellfire Mastery- Black Knights can warp and summon the unnatural flames of their homeland.

  • Channel the Master- The weapon of a Black Knight channels the elemental powers of their master.

  • Unholy Dread- The voice of a Black Knight strikes the ear of a listener with a frightening tone that causes their opponent’s morale to falter.

  • Tithe of Souls- Being slain by the blade of a Black Knight damns their victim to the Endless Abyss.

  • Reformation (Archdemon Only)- A Black Knight Commander, when slain, can reform instantly by their Lord’s side once per month, thanks to their Archdemon status.

Locations and Allegiances

Black Knights can be found in important locations in the realms of every Demon Lord, and guarding the keep of Asharderis. Though they are of the same order, their loyalty to their lord comes first. Thus, some of the most brutal clashes in the Endless Abyss are conflicts between these warriors.

Strengths and Weaknesses

A Black Knight is burned by the touch of holy magic, moonsilver, and silver, but otherwise very resilient to weapons.

Black Knights are rendered immune to fire by their armor.

Black Knights are resilient to magic.

Due to their demonic nature, Black Knights regenerate from injuries unnaturally quick.

Without their armor, a Black Knight looses many of their unique traits.

A blow to a Black Knight’s heart is never lethal, as they don’t have one, instead their armor keeps them alive.

A Black Knight is near impervious to all but the strongest mind control spells.

Black Knights are deadly in hand to hand combat.

Notable Figures

Sartak, The General of the Endless Abyss, is the first of the Black Knights, and the only Black Knight without a true master. His blade is his pride and joy, forged in the heart of the Endless Abyss itself, and then tempered in the Black Forge. He is a powerful Demon Lord and an extremely capable warrior.


History and General Info

Born to torment, Bladewracks are the most common interrogators and torturers in the Endless Abyss. When cut, their blood quickly hardens into jagged blades that cause magically enhanced pain when they cut flesh. They’re sadistic by nature, and some seem to feed on the fear and pain they cause, though this is unclear.


  • Blood of Iron- The ichor of a Bladewrack forms into metal blades that jut out of the wound a few minutes after its spilled.

  • Agony- The blades of a Bladewrack cause maddening itching and burning sensations when they cut a mortal.

Locations and Allegiances

Utilized by all Demon Lords, Bladewracks were created by Mephistopheles, and many have suspicions that they secretly report the secrets they torture out of captives to him. Since they are not particularly powerful compared to other demons, they tend to serve more than they lead.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Due to their demonic nature, Bladewracks are more difficult to kill, but unlike most demons, rather than regenerating, they grow blades. Over time this can lead to their eventual death if they become too wounded.

If decapitated, the nature of a Bladewrack ensures it’ll instantly die.

Bladewracks can smell fear.

A Bladewrack is burned by holy magic, moonsliver, and silver.

Bladewracks are not particularly smart.

Notable Figures



History and General Info

Hardened by ash and smog rather than war and blood, these servants of the Warlords of the Endless Abyss work as smiths, cleaners, and guardians in the forges and factories of this hellish realm.


  • Embereater- Cinderspawn can consume ash and debris from flames, and gain energy from them.

  • Skill of Repetition- Though they aren’t clever in most regards, Cinderspawn have the uncanny ability to recall things they’ve already made, allowing them to produce things en-mass.

  • Barbed Hands- With their strange talons, Cinderspawn can clamber up even metal surfaces with ease.

  • Forgeborn Barb- The spine at the end of a Cinderspawn’s tail burns with the heat of the forge they work or protect, and can unleash gouts of flame and possibly even slag.

Locations and Allegiances

Cinderspawn are heavily employed by Dispater, Lord of Iron, and Sartak, Lord of Ash, both of whom use them to create weapons of conquest and destruction. Where Sartak craves armor and weaponry, Dispater demands siege engines drawn from the corrupted steel of the Endless Abyss.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Cinderspawn are weakened when further away from their tended flames.

Cinderspawn are immune to fire.

A Cinderspawn is burned by holy magic, moonsliver, and silver.

Due to their demonic nature, Cinderspawn regenerate from injuries quickly.

Cinderspawn have unnatural agility.

Cinderspawn can identify a metal by its scent.

Notable Figures

The Black Forgemaster is known to be an exceptionally potent demon that has maintained a (albeit distorted) Cinderspawn-esque shape. Their skill is legendary, and even many dwarves and fae envy the power and potency of this blacksmith’s weapons. One of the strongest Archdemons, the Forgemaster is responsible for creating some of the Endless Abyss’s most feared weapons, and many Celestials would relish the opportunity to put an end to this foul demon.


History and General Info

The spawn of Belial, the Tempter, Concubi are shapeshifting demons best known for taking on the forms of beautiful individuals, and soliciting away the souls of their false lovers. These demons are often referred to a succubi when in feminine form (most common), or as incubi while in a male form, but as with their dark sire, their true form is a mix of both and neither sex, bearing horns, a tail, and wings, they are a true visage of demonic beauty.


  • Hypnotic Gaze- A Concubi can grab the attention and desires of a being they make long eye contact with who finds them physically attractive.

  • Lifedrain- Through touch, a Concubus can drain life energy or essence away from another creature. Explicit contact, or kissing makes this draining faster. Eventually they can even steal away the souls of such victims.

  • Shapeshifter- A Concubus can take on the form of a humanoid that they have seen before, usually with several variations (often exaggerated curves or musculature). They often prefer to take the form of a specific sex.

  • Stormscream- Concubi can release a shriek when in danger, lightning and dark magic arcing from their body.

  • Enthrall- Once they steal a creature’s soul, that being’s body becomes a husk-like protector for the Concubus that killed them, and will defend their master/mistress with their life.

  • Fade Away- Concubi can turn invisible for a short time.

  • Steal Face- A Concubus can choose, when stealing the soul of a being that has a deal with them to instead steal that being’s entire form, essentially consuming said soul, and gaining the ability to perfectly imitate the individual.

  • Reformation (Archdemon Only)- A Son or Daughter of Belial, when slain, can reform instantly by their Sire’s side once per month, thanks to their Archdemon status.

  • Storm Scion (Archdemon Only)- A powerful Concubus can channel yellowish lightning and similar magics.

Locations and Allegiances

Found in the Palaces of Pleasure and other locations where scandalous and uncouth activities are common, Concubi are often loyal to their scion and sire, the Demon Lord Belial.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Concubi, through strong, aren’t that much stronger than mortals.

A Concubus exudes manipulative power and can often disrupt a battle with their mere presence or a few well placed looks.

Devilishly tricky, Concubi are among the best deceivers in the Endless Abyss.

Due to Belial’s blessing, Concubi are immune to lightning.

Concubi are resistant to magical attacks.

A Concubus is burned by holy magic, moonsliver, and silver.

Due to their demonic nature, Concubi regenerate from injuries quite quickly.

Concubi are supernaturally graceful.

Concubi are gifted at illusions, charming, and storm magic.

Notable Figures

Belial, Lady of Lust is the genderfluid ruler of the concubi. They keep a collection of indulgent palaces of excess and temptation at the heart of their mountainous stormy realm, and take the form of a tall, exceptionally beautiful concubus wielding a trident of darksteel and obsidian. They are powerful and dangerous, and amongst the Demon Lords, Belial is among the best manipulators.


History and General Info

These coldhearted dark dwellers originate from the icy deserts of Mephos, and are terrifying predators with powerful abilities. These greater demons are not to be taken lightly, and are as clever as they are strong. They appear as tall, thin entities with dark scales and plates, along with four wings. Masters of the unseen realms, Daemon’s abilities allow them to manipulate the mind, spirit, and senses of those around them.


  • Blackfrost- The touch of a Daemon sears the flesh of most beings with an unknown magic, many describe it as a fire so cold that it burns.

  • Distorted Presence- It’s difficult to get a good look at a moving Daemon, as they seem to ripple and warp in abnormal ways as they lunge through the air.

  • Devourer of Essence- Wounds caused by a Daemon heal at a slower rate even for beings made of essence.

  • Blindsense- Despite having no eyes, a Daemon can hear heartbeats through even the most vicious blizzards.

  • Mana Bite- The bite of a Daemon’s vicious jaws saps away the mana stored within a creature, weakening their magical powers.

  • Silent Stride- While unseen, a Daemon’s movements are muted and unnaturally quiet, making them terrifyingly stealthy for their size.

  • Memory Shriek- The howling attack scream of a Daemon can muddle the thoughts and distort the minds of their target.

  • Spirit Talons- A Daemon can grab at incorporeal beings and objects, interacting with them as though they were semi-physical.

Locations and Allegiances

Daemons are found commonly in Mephos, the Iron City, and the Palaces of Pleasure, owing allegiances to the more subtle and deceptive demon lords, particularly their creator, Mephistopheles. However, they are clever enough to slip out from his control, and are popular spy masters and bodyguards across the Endless Abyss.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Daemons are much stronger than humans.

Due to their demonic nature, a Daemon regenerates from injuries very quickly.

A Daemon is burned by holy magic, moonsliver, and silver, but is otherwise quite resilient to mortal weapons.

Daemon are resistant to fire and immune to cold.

Daemons have a superior sense of hearing.

In battle a Daemon acts as a font of energy, empowering the demons around them with the souls and mana they consume, this makes swarms of Daemons very dangerous.

Daemons are quick and agile in the air.

A Daemon is blind.

Daemons are thinner and less sturdy than other demons of their power level.

Notable Figures

Menar, the Spy Mistress is an agent of Dispater who keeps order in the market districts, she is a powerful and well regarded Daemon, supposedly one of the first created by Mephistopheles.

Fear Hunters

History and General Info

Sadistic and greedy creatures, these rust skinned beings with a mane of twisted iron act as scouts and soldiers in the armies of the Endless Abyss, created by Dispater to guard parts of his estates in the Iron City. These beings are infamous for their skill with a whip, and their usage of trained hellhounds.


  • Alpha of the Pack- Hellhounds instantly recognize the presence of a Fear Hunter and act in a frightened submissive manner.

  • Lashing Dervish- The barbed iron whip of a Fear Hunter is especially horrific when used against Fae as it cuts flesh and essence with agonizing strokes.

  • Quills- The spines in the iron mane of a Fear Hunter can be launched defensively, leaving horrid wounds with their twisted rusted edges.

  • Flint Hooves- The hooves of a Fear Hunter spark as they strike stones on the ground, and can ignite flammable things around them.

  • Reignite- A Fear Hunter can burn away some of their essence in order to restore the flames of an injured hellhound in their pack.

Locations and Allegiances

Fear Hunters are found in the employ of many Demon Lords but are most commonly employed or seeking employment within the bustling streets of the Iron City, the most traveled part of the Endless Abyss.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Fear Hunters are significantly stronger than humans.

Due to their demonic nature, a Fear Hunter regenerates from injuries quickly.

A Fear Hunter is burned by holy magic, moonsliver, and silver.

A Fear Hunter is highly adept at commanding a pack of hellhounds.

Fear Hunters have a good sense of smell.

In battle a Fear Hunter’s iron mane glows red hot with fury.

Fear Hunters are expert survivors and can endure harsh conditions.

Fear Hunters cannot be poisoned and are highly resistant to flames.

Notable Figures

The Groundskeeper is a highly skilled Fear Hunter who watches over one of Dispater’s reagent gardens, and keeps visitors at bay.

The Trainer is an organizer in Sartak’s gladiatorial arena in charge of overseeing the care of his Lord’s Dire Hellhounds.

Cambionis is a rogue Fear Hunter who works as a bodyguard of Jessica Scarletspear.


History and General Info

Ruthless killing machines, Flayers are artisans of the battlefield. Their blade work is so infamous that these serpent headed demons are considered a benchmark by which skilled mortal swordsmen and women test themselves against. Their four arms make these creatures deacons of destruction and despair in combat.


  • Sense of Steel- Flayers have an innate sense of the movement of metal around them, and thus have an uncanny ability to parry incoming attacks.

  • Iron Will- Flayers cannot be mind controlled due to their singleminded focus.

  • Conjure Weapons- Flayers can conjure elemental weapons out of their own essence if their blades are knocked away.

  • Surefooted- A Flayer walks across uneven terrain expertly.

  • Oxidizing Breath- The breath of a Flayer causes nonmagical metals to tarnish at an unnatural rate, weakening their foes’s weapons even as they clash.

  • Unholy Smite- With their blades in hand, a Flayer can focus on their foe and cast a dark spell upon that creature, cursing them or causing them immense pain through this dark power.

Locations and Allegiances

Flayers are loyal primarily to Ketaris, the Lord of Rage, and Relas, the Lady of Ruin, as these two Demon Lords let them indulge in the wanton destruction they crave. But Flayers will flock to serve any strong willed and warlike demon who catches their fancy.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Flayers are extremely confident in their abilities, and will never admit defeat to a mortal, fighting till the death.

Flayers are FAR stronger than humans, able to lift a horse with one hand, or bend steel.

A Flayer is burned by holy magic, moonsliver, and silver, but is resilient to blades made of iron and steel.

Due to their demonic nature, a Flayer regenerates from injuries swiftly, and can regrow lost limbs even faster.

Flayers can see in pitch darkness.

Flayers are resistant to elemental damage.

A Flayer can speak with serpents due to their own snake-like nature.

Spellcasters infuriate Flayers and often distract them from melee combatants.

Due to their reckless nature, Flayers often don’t live to get promoted.

Notable Figures



History and General Info

Small, weak demons, Imps are one of the most basic forms that a soul newly imbued with demonic flesh and essence can take. These little bat-like horrors are commonplace and often scoffed at in the Endless Abyss, as they represent the bottom of the demonic hierarchy.


  • Sting- Imps are known to pack painful and even potentially debilitating stings in their barbed tails.

  • Elemental Affinity- An imp is formed with an affinity for a certain element that empowers it slightly.

Locations and Allegiances

Imps are found across every Demon Lord’s domain and they swear loyalty to all of them.

Due to their demonic nature, an imp heals from injuries more quickly than humans.

An Imp is badly burned by holy magic, moonsliver, and silver.

Imps can detect shape changers.

Imps are small, fast, and surprisingly good as evasion.

Notable Figures

Ilith Coldheart is an Imp messenger. Though strong for an Imp, she’s rather weak, except she carries the authority of Mephistopheles himself, acting as a living insult to the recipient of her messages. Mephistopheles is extremely fond of Ilith due to how well she pushes the buttons of his peers.


History and General Info

Humanoid creatures composed of writhing blood red worms and half devoured sections of humanoid flesh, these disgusting monsters are agents of desperation and lethal foes. They love to spread sickness among the population but avoid the powerful, then turn the citizens against their rulers.


  • Waste-not Want-not- By infecting a dead body with some of their worms, a Necrodemon can reanimate the corpse under their own control.

  • Creeping Horror- Necrodemons’s presence can invite blights and curses upon the land around them.

  • Dark Sorcerer- Necrodemons are accomplished sorcerers of hexes and dark magic.

  • Fleshrot- A creature infected with one or more of a Necrodemon’s worms develops fleshrot, a debilitating illness that slowly consumes mortal flesh.

  • Host of a Swarm- By filling a corpse, a Necrodemon can control that being and appear living.

  • Ghost Grasp- A Necrodemon can grab at incorporeal beings and objects, interacting with them as though they were physical.

Locations and Allegiances

Found in the Catacomb Fens, these demons are servants of the scheming Balbrazu, Demon Lord of Decay. They feast on the flesh of both the universes and any mortal creatures they can get their hands on.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Necrodemons are much stronger than humans.

A Necrodemon is scorched by holy magic, and burned by moonsliver and silver.

Due to their demonic nature, a Necrodemon heals from injuries much more quickly than a human.

Necrodemons cannot be mindcontrolled by those without the mind capacity to control all the worms in their body.

Necrodemons can squeeze through tiny cracks.

Necrodemons are immune to necrotic magic and resilient to hexes.

Undead obey the command of Necrodemons.

Necrodemons are difficult to detect when searching for lifeforms.

Notable Figures



History and General Info

Shapeshifting monsters in service of greater powers, Soul-Collectors are a devious type of demon. They are commonly employed by dark sorcerers, liches, and hags for their talent in collecting souls for them. In their true form they are a mix of humanoid and a greenish black insectoid horror.


  • Aspect of Fear- When confronting a foe, a Soul-Collector can take on the shape of that creature, and replicate its powers using its own magic. A being that is imitated by a Soul-Collector is dragged into a contest of will, likely weakening that being and making it easier to kill.

  • Mindbreaker- Soul-Collectors can disrupt sane thought by targeting a being with their otherworldly whispers, causing them to turn on their allies.

  • Soul Stealer- A Soul-Collector can grab at incorporeal beings and objects, interacting with them as though they were semi-physical.

  • Smog of the Fens- Soul-Collectors can summon and manipulate the fumes and foul emanations of Balbrazu’s horrid realm.

  • Shadowstride- With their dark magic, a Soul-Collector can move between shadows.

  • Spectral Tar- Via a dark curse, Soul-Collectors have the power to summon oozing liquid shadows that snare at the spirits and essence of non-demons, making them more susceptible to their other machinations.

Locations and Allegiances

While originally created by a short lived alliance of Dispater and Balbrazu, Soul-Collectors have since become extremely common throughout all the Abyssal domains, and even on the mortal plane in the service of dark and greedy masters.

Strengths and Weaknesses

A Soul-Collector is maimed by holy magic, and burned by moonsliver and silver.

Due to their demonic nature, a Soul-Collector heals from injuries much more quickly than a human.

Soul-Collectors can judge a soul’s value by its “sound”, and prefer more powerful ones.

Due to their dark nature, Dread magic has a harder time sticking to Soul-Collectors.

Soul-Collectors are weaker in their true forms than in a shape-changed form.

Soul-Collectors have an innate fear of mirrors due to their nature, and being reflected in a silver mirror forces them to revert to their true form.

Notable Figures

The Fell Witch is a Soul-Collector Archdemon who is a champion in Sartak’s Colosseum. She was a gift of goodwill from Dispater.


History and General Info

Hulking monsters native to the Hephest Waste, Vent-Crawlers are dangerous demons with great control over fire. They have magma-like flesh and hardened basalt wings.


  • Elemental Fire- Vent-Crawlers are capable of overcoming resistance to fire due to the strength of their howling flames.

  • Abyssal Roar- The roar of a Vent-Crawler causes water to evaporate and a sense of despair to sweep across their foes.

  • Cruel Claws- Wounds inflicted by the claws of a Vent-Crawler ooze with foul, noxious smoke.

  • Elemental Weaponsmaster- Vent-Crawlers can wield weapons of any element with great effectiveness.

  • Aura of Fury- Demons in the presence of a Vent-Crawler are whipped into a mad frenzy by its foul aura, making them less predictable and more dangerous.

  • Masterless- Vent-Crawlers are difficult for a Demon Lord to control, as their strong wills and great power make them more slippery to such authority.

Locations and Allegiances

Found ruling smaller realms within the Domain of Ketaris, the Demon Lord of Rage, the Vent-Crawlers are unpredictable allies but powerful weapons, and all Demon Lords are cautious when calling upon them.

Strengths and Weaknesses

A Vent-Crawler is burned by holy magic, moonsliver, and silver, but is resilient to blades made of iron and steel.

Due to their demonic nature, a Vent-Crawler heals from injuries far more quickly than a human, and can recover from injuries much more severe.

Vent-Crawlers have immense physical strength.

Vent-Crawlers are immune to fire and resistant to magic.

Beacons of dark magic, Vent-Crawlers attract lesser demons to themselves.

Notable Figures

Ketaris is known as an ascended Vent-Crawler, taking on a larger, more flesh-like form, the Demon Lord of Rage is the least of his ilk, but the mightiest of the Vent-Crawlers, and many of his former kin hunger for his title and covet his power.