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The Darke Tomes

The city of Nightport is shrouded, both by a literal, magical mist that seems to engulf even the moonlight that shines upon the harbor, and figuratively, in legends of hags and werewolves and vampires. Unfortunately, citizens under the rule of Lord Alvertos Darke know all too well how true the rumors are, and rely on the elusive Slayers to protect them from the greater evils of the night. Follow their journey as they seek to reclaim their freedoms, and their safety.

By Matt Behrle

Musings of a God

The Lord of Skulls gathers many things, and in his practically infinite time he has recorded much of his knowledge to share with those he deems worthy. You, dear reader, are one such candidate. It’s quite the unique opportunity, truly. From short essays to treatises spanning tomes, do you dare take what the legendary Neverdead offers?

By Matt Behrle

Short Stories

Sometimes all you need is something short and sweet. Okay, maybe the sweet bit is optional, but it sure does help! Here’s our collection of one-shot short stories set in Mundus Mutans. From Dreamer’s Rebellion to the Jersey Devil Squadron, there’s something here for you to enjoy!