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 Musings of a God

Matt Matt


Scrawlings found on scraps of parchment around the Lord’s study.

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Unrequited Fiends
Matt Matt

Unrequited Fiends

Whilst I was learning the methods through which to manipulate, contain, and bind souls, few entities were as useful in my endeavors as the demons of the Endless Abyss. Thus it would be the height of arrogance to not include mention of these wonderfully damnable monsters amongst my many scholarly studies.

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Matt Matt


Darkness is a funny thing, does its corruption take root in the flesh? Or in the mind? A question best pondered not over contradicting piles of scholarly articles but in the field, feeling it’s ethereal essence pulsate and writhe. Of all the beings touched by it, few are as defined by it as the vampire.

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A Study of the Spire
Matt Matt

A Study of the Spire

As I’ve stated multiple times prior, it’s always best to be thorough. Whether that be in one’s studies, or in the construction of your abode, if you seek to redefine and discover new facets of the world and magic, you should be prepared to ensure that your base of operations is suited to such an endeavor. For tis the way of the cosmos to rain hell upon the unprepared.

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The Three
Matt Matt

The Three

In the order of the cosmos, little is more central or more influential then the ancient primordial entities known as the Three Founding Gods. Forebearers of all that is, these beings are cornerstones of reality, and its creators. Thus it would seem most pertinent to at least consider them when it comes to matters regarding any aspect of our universe.

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On Greystriders
Matt Matt

On Greystriders

Over my centuries of research and theorizing few subjects have so captured my attention as the tale of the Greystriders. The story of an embittered faerie craftsman, temptation, a deal with Death herself, and mortals with the willpower to live again. But perhaps I get ahead of myself, for it is a rather obscure tale.

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Matt Matt


It’s oft been wondered, what is the true meaning of immortality? What is the nature of so elusive yet alluring a thing, that those who have it still seek it. In some ways, tis a subjective thing.

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