Unrequited Fiends
Whilst I was learning the methods through which to manipulate, contain, and bind souls, few entities were as useful in my endeavors as the demons of the Endless Abyss. Thus it would be the height of arrogance to not include mention of these wonderfully damnable monsters amongst my many scholarly studies.
Demons are the creation of the being known as Asharderis, a Major God once dedicated to evolution and creation. However, through unknown and oft speculated about circumstances, he was driven mad with visions of a “perfect” race, immortal beings able to adapt to survive, and exist on life energy alone. In his craze, he imagined innumerable shapes they could take, eventually going so mad with the desire to see them come into being that he drove a shard of crystal into his head.
As his ichor pooled on the ground, from it rose the first demons, twisted creatures, bearing spines and scales, boney armor, many eyes, and countless other shapes. As the madness drained from him, Asharderis took pride in these creatures, placing the bloodied crystal into a great metal staff and declaring himself King of Demons.
Since then souls taken or claimed either directly by demons, or by other dark powers that demons are lucky enough to scoop up have been brought to the twisted husk of Asharderis’ old realm, a fractured plane of blood and war called the Endless Abyss.
Souls collected like this are most often simply transformed into Damned Souls or just kept as a morose form of currency. In the demonic hierarchy, the shapeless and maddened damned souls are at the very bottom, serving no purpose besides perhaps as light sources when contained in enchanted cages. Their value comes from their capacity to become other types of fiend if allowed.
When “promoted” by a superior, a demon can rise in the ranks. A demon can never promote another to or past their own rank, and only fairly powerful demons hold the power to promote at all. One step up from the damned souls are Imps, scrawny creatures that represent a frail form for the souls. Imps are used as manual labor, messengers, and servants for the greater populace of the Endless Abyss. They are numerous and make up for their weakness with numbers.
After the imps come the Lesser Demons. Often more simple minded than their higher ups, lesser demons include creatures such as hellhounds, or other low ranking fiendish attendants. These are the grunts and one of two ranks that make up the commoner class of this strange realm. Still viewed disfavorably by their superiors, this state is but a step on the path to accursed power.
The next step up then are the true Demons. Demons or Fiends are the backbone of the Endless Abyss’ armies, as well as the majority of its peasant class, with a few even rising to slightly higher positions. This is where many soul’s ascension stops, however those with ambition and skill can achieve much higher honors.
From here we come to the Greater Demons, powerful entities ranging through numerous forms and species. While some are only a bit stronger than a normal demon, some dwarf the power of their subordinates. At this rank, a demon becomes able to promote those lower on the totem pole of fiendish power. Greater demons act as officers or specialized agents of their masters, and the great variety among them means there’s plenty of niches they excel in.
Even higher in the hierarchy are the Archdemons, mighty fiends with unique abilities and forms that serve as the noble class of this hellscape. Archdemons command multitudes of imps, lesser demons, fiends, greater demons, and even the occasional weaker archdemon in their master’s names. They serve to collect tithes from the populace and ensure souls and essence taken as such are funneled up the chain of command. Even in this form, we still are not at the apex of the denizens of the Endless Abyss.
At the top of the ladder, subordinate only to Asharderis himself are the Demon Lords. Mythical entities, some of whom wield power as to nearly rival my own, the demon lords are the rulers of the Endless Abyss, coveting its capital city or even nation sized regions as fiefdoms. Though I do not have time here to name them all, there are near a dozen of these mighty beings, each an entirely unique entity with impressive powers and hoards of underlings at their disposal. The Endless Abyss functions on a truly fascinating system.
The Endless Abyss is a place of strife as unaligned fiends battle to claim their own lands, whilst the demon lords and their courts clash with one another openly and in the shadows, attempting to gain power, favor, and territory. Some amongst them are even brave or foolish enough to scheme against Asharderis himself. In this place, plots and displays of dominance are rewarded. Success, loyalty, and diligence bring twisted greatness.
This land of treachery and savagery yields strong and unyielding beings, ever seeking more. Managed carefully and dealt with wearily, demons prove themselves a great asset, and their society reveals itself ever more complex and intriguing. Though I’d advise against underestimating these beings. They’re ruthless when they sense weakness, though they’re careful to hide it. Such misjudgments are the follies of my lessers though, as my actions are far too calculated for trivial mistakes.
The Lord of Skulls, God-Emperor of the Undead