A Study of the Spire

As I’ve stated multiple times prior, it’s always best to be thorough. Whether that be in one’s studies, or in the construction of your abode, if you seek to redefine and discover new facets of the world and magic, you should be prepared to ensure that your base of operations is suited to such an endeavor. For tis the way of the cosmos to rain hell upon the unprepared.

I have held domain over many a suitable home in my time. Renovated crypts in mountains. Ornate towers of the arcane. But of course, all other dwellings pale in comparison to my Spire. Somewhere between a laboratory, a fortress, a palace, and a tomb, my beloved home is built and bent towards but one intention. To ensure my grasp on eternity.

The Spire is a mechanical and architectural marvel, built in the Lands Beyond Life, it not only drags in a small percentage of the souls that enter here (which alone is more than enough to supply incredible power), but it uses the leftover energy of souls not fed to the Phylactery to power an intricate mechanism. This mechanism lets me instantaneously move this place across vast distances, ensuring it’s no easy task for those who wish me ill to find it.

Each layer of this place serves a function in my grand design, from the Citadel to the Phylactery itself, this intricate and varied design makes the Spire perfect for any experiments or other needs I may require.

The Lord of Skulls, God-Emperor of the Undead






The Three