General sitewide progress and announcements! Updates sporadically with additions to the site.
Cmd Alt Esc— Resetting, Restarting
Wow, we’ve been pretty sporadic with not much to show for it, huh? Sorry about that. A little thing called prepping for college got in the way.
An Update on Site Progess
Hey all! Long time no blog haha— I bet you’re wondering what’s been happening while waiting for the next part of the Classics update.
Here, There be Legends
Legends come in many shapes and sizes, from the smallest flower to the tallest giant. Today, the final legends come to light!
Stepping Through the Veil
A world even more fantastical and magical than our’s awaits, one filled with emotion, revels, nature, and intrigue. Ancient and mercurial beings of near god-like power rule over a world of wild beings and ancient magic…