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Wow, we’ve been pretty sporadic with not much to show for it, huh? Sorry about that. A little thing called prepping for college got in the way.

We have closed the Scathe Armory for the time being, and moved some products to the Conjette Illustrations website. This is to reduce clutter, and to keep the focus of this site on the stories we want to tell. There is the possibility some logo-themed gear will be made available again in the future, but there’s no guarantee. That means the only current way to directly financially support the site is trough our donation button.

As for stories, we’ve got a ways to go before we’re settled in and ready to keep writing. Our lives have gotten pretty hectic over the past few months, and priorities dictate school and livelihood come before fun at this point. However, we’re gonna work where we can, and if you see a page or two quietly released, feel free to celebrate with us.

We hope to be back in the swing of things soon!

Sam (they/them)

Artist, nerd, and here to create.

A Spooky Surprise


An Update on Site Progess