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Short Stories

One-shot stories set in Mundus Mutans. No set upload schedule.

Matt Matt


A blade as cold as ice, and a personality perhaps colder, walks into a bar…

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Sam (they/them) Sam (they/them)


Nike wakes up after a fitful nightmare, with Professor Scarletspear knocking on their door. What does she want?

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Sam (they/them) Sam (they/them)

Hunting Leaves

Two Court Fae clash, the quiet spring day disturbed by their quarrel. The short encounter hints at more conflict building within Kerios.

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Sam (they/them) Sam (they/them)

Soaring Over Worries

Egan struggles when he bumps into a familiar face while out delivering intel for the Rebellion, and he turns to his partner Devin for a bit of comfort.

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Sam (they/them) Sam (they/them)

Training Session 347

Noctura finishes another routine training session, just in time for dinner with the rest of the squadron. Cue shenanigans, because it’s curry night and resident chef Mari likes it hot. It might just distract Noct from what’s been bothering her.

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Sam (they/them) Sam (they/them)

Who’s Home?

Years after Nike first came to Scathe Academy, they struggle through yet another day of classes. They keep getting distracted, and something, or someone, is missing.

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