Species and Races > Elves > High Elves

 High Elves

The Moonsilver Dynasty

Native to mid and southern Dulatica, the High Elves of Ithuan are its oldest superpower. In ancient times, the High Elves differentiated themselves from their kin by leaving the more simple life of forest nomads behind, building instead the Moonsilver Dynasty; an empire among the mountains and valleys of the south. During the Spirit War, they stood for many centuries as an impassable barrier to the forces of Gorgabad, until, through the intervention of Gothrag, they suffered a major defeat. Since then they have rebuilt, and are still as proud and aloof as ever.

Known for their disciplined traditions, High Elves are considered the most emotionally distant of the Elven Dynaties, rarely showing their passion openly. Instead, that emotion is channeled into their skills and craftsmanship, which is highly regarded even amongst other races. Most are fluent in both the common tongue and elvish due to the convenience of knowing both in the region they call home. They are cold but accepting of most other races, and live up to around or even over one thousand years.



Elves are encouraged to take a less standard approach to their education. Aside from basic physical training, literacy, history, and a few other standard skills like frugality, most of their education comes in the form of either apprenticeships to more skilled or older elves, and lessons from universities such as Scathe. Elves believe in living an experience more than studying it to prevent monotony over their long lives, but High Elves specifically see themselves as higher beings, and thus often feel the need to pursue prestige via learning from famous figures, or attending powerful schools. The idea of honoring your House also leads some elves away from a preferred profession and to one their family would rather them fulfill, leading to a sometimes dreary energy within the High Elven society.


The Moonsilver Dynasty has two major fighting forces, the Mythral Legion, and the Dragonguard of House Shockwind. The Dragonguard are more akin to a private mercenary force equipped and trained to fight drakes and dragons, and are quite dangerous, but the Mythral Legion is a much larger, much more organized fighting force.

Elves in general prefer to use their greater agility and endurance to their advantage, and thus, in their training, they often learn to apply it in a specific manner to other species. High Elves are no exception, as their combat training revolves around taking advantage of swift movements, wearing down their foes, and finding weaknesses like blind spots, or areas that are more likely to sustain damage, such as brittle bones, or old injuries. High Elves are therefore known by some as fighting “dirty”, although many don’t pay much attention to those who would lose to them.

Mages are valued by the High Elves, and are used as a part of many fighting units, although being a mage does not guarantee a leadership role, merely that you’re more likely to see combat.

The Mythral Legion is made up of numerous ranks, and is currently Ithuan’s largest military force, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers, though few of them are active duty.

  • Legionaries: Are the backbone of the army, and its lowest rank. Equipped with shields and curved blades, these High Elves make up the battalions of soldiers whose forbearers marched on Gorgabad in armored, gleaming columns. Legionaries rarely serve during peacetime, as they’re seen as too numerous, and the military would rather they fulfill other duties.

  • Centurions: The leaders of individual companies of elves, the Centurions give order to the ranks. They vary in experience and renown, but are the lower officers of the army, and act as guards, and standard law enforcers during times of peace.

  • Legate: Commanding a several companies, or even a legion, Legates are akin to captains, distinguished knights of the Moonsilver Dynasty. They serve as officers during peacetime, and are usually considered exemplary of the military.

  • Prime Legate: Strategists, great warriors, and skilled leaders, Prime Legates serve as the organizers lower ranks, and advisors of higher ranks. Prime Legates will ensure a plan is executed, and will communicate what legions in their jurisdiction need to their commanding officers. A Prime Legate will act as the heads of law enforcement during peacetime.

  • Praetor: Generals within the High Elven army, these are the primary leaders of the military, and although they rarely see battle, are often supplied with the enchanted and inscribed armor that offers excellent protection, and are highly skilled warriors. They are usually born as nobles, or become nobles, and the Praetors act as a council that report to the Noble Houses during war time, and coordinate a grand strategy. Lord Emeril Shockwind, the Leader of his House and the Dragonguard bares this distinction.


The High Elves highly value magical healing, as opposed to alchemy and herbal healing, thus putting emphasis on wizards and clerics, and often disavowing sorcerers and warlock for this role.

Reagent healing such as alchemy is seen as slower, and more risky, and the keen senses of the High Elves, along with their sometimes snobbish obsession with finery leads them to find the smell of many stronger mixtures foul or sickening.

Daily Life

Living in extravagant cities, most High Elves rely on a House they serve or are part of in some way to help them economically, as Houses are able to obtain and distribute large amounts of income and allow members to find better work, especially with the inherent advantages they receive from the reputation of the House they’re associated with. The High Elven houses are the Mythralheart and the Shockwind families. Like all Houses, they have their own house-specific abilities and traditions, which are kept secret from outsiders. Mythralheart elves can magically shape moonsilver and mythral, and sometimes inherit divine foresight. Shockwind elves are able to generate and control electricity, as well as call upon storms.

Houseless High Elves, or those who— themselves or their Houses— have hit hard times, often work in more menial jobs that are surprisingly well paid, although seen as less noble than other pursuits. These unfortunate individuals help support elven society by producing common goods, including the wines, fruits, and meats that the elves enjoy in extravagant and sweetened ways. The High Elven cities are a place of both beautiful fashions and designs, and a place of cold, prideful arrogance, and elitism.


High Elven Monarchs are chosen through a test of worth, in which they are voted by a group of the most notable Houses, then have their future divined by Illandria Mythralheart, the most Renowned Oracle of the mortal realms, and then they must be shown as able to don the Dynasty’s Crown, an unusually temperamental magic item enchanted to rule out cruel, slothful, petulant, and dishonest rulers. It brands those who fail to meet its requirements by searing away their House Marking, a tattoo derived from ink made with world tree sap, the design of which is distinctive to one specific house. This marks the individual as Houseless, and disgraced. This fate is feared by many House Leaders, who are therefore more willing to elect others to undergo these trials.

In addition to the Council of the Grand Houses, and the Ruler of the Dynasty, each Elven city or town is home to a Magistrate, an individual of renown, who the Councilor or Monarch offer a position of oversight, and authority to help support their community. A Magistrate is always an Elf Lord, which means they either have been blessed by a deity, marked as an Archmage, are a high ranking noble in a prominent house, or are recognized for one or more impressive feats. Elf Lords and Ladies are not technically royal, nor are they necessarily the governors of their domains, but they are often held up in their communities, and their recognition helps the central government retain support and maintain order over its lands.

Religion & Holidays

The High Elves follow the religions of multiple Gods— primarily Lith; a little less than half of their society follow the Fae Goddess. Despite this, they celebrate eight major events, including the equinoxes and solstices, which they recognize as sacred times for the Fae, and often wear masks reminiscent of the legendary sprites and spirits of the wilds, enjoying food and festivities in recognition of the revelrous ways of the Faefolk.


One of their more specific holidays is celebrated in mid October, and is known as Ashfall. It commemorates the last day of the Spirit War, and those who were slain in the conflict. It is associated with somber military marches, black cherries, and long silence to show respect, something which often makes visitors exceedingly uncomfortable when they visit High Elven cities during this time.

The Day of Three

The Day of Three is the elven festival that marks the new year, and like their kin, the High Elves celebrate it by telling tales of the gods, and it is also the day when Monarchs are crowned, heroes receive awards, and others receive recognition. It’s seen as a day of recognition, strengthening their society for the year to come.


Hearthwarm is a once per decade event that features multiple contests between champions of Houses that are allowed to compete. During his time there are races, duels, mage battles, feats of strength, accuracy, and prowess, winners receiving recognition for themselves, and renown for their House. This event is one of the most anticipated days for many High Elves, as it is a show of power and pride, so it’s not uncommon for outsiders to be invited and encouraged to attend as a way to demonstrate what the High Elves are capable of.

Week of the Fair

Week of the Fair is a yearly period of seven days beginning with the first day of March and ending with the seventh that aims to celebrate passion and love. This festival has strong ties to Lith and is one of the few times where High Elves can be seen to be open about their emotions. While it is preferred to remain decent, it isn’t unheard of for some normally… private acts, or scandalous clothes to appear among more daring, desperate, or devout Elves, breaking the mold of their normally strict society.


The High Elves prefer to build smooth, elegant structures out of stone, enjoying the strength and the soft smoothness that it can create. White is a common color in High Elven structures, alongside colorful windows and murals, giving their cities a far cleaner feeling than many mortal ones. They also keep their main streets and outskirts as well as the city center clear of structures and dwellings used by misfortunate citizens, to enhance the first impressions of any who visit their lands.