Legends > The Unseelie

 The Unseelie Court

This court is torn by differing ideals, and has formed into two distinct groups.

Gloaming Court

Known for their cold logic and harsh disposition, the shadow fae are the darkest of the faerie peoples and are those who draw on fear, for its power is undeniable. Under the leadership of Lith’s eldest child, the ruthless Mabuka, Queen of Air and Darkness. These fae are willing to do anything necessary to gain greater power, a highly organized society where worth is determined by strength, loyalty, and favor. Those who are stronger are to be respected, those who are loyal are to be relied upon, and those who are favored are to be envied. They dress in blacks and feathers, often wearing things that inspire fear, like skull-like makeup.

Royal Court

The splinter group under Oberon, King of Shadows— eldest son of Mabuka and husband of Titania— the Royal fae are those Unseelie who disagreed with Mabuka’s war against the Seelie Court, or supported Oberon’s ideology of awe before fear. Feats of strength and competitions are common, as is a duality of being yourself and improving yourself. The Royal court is associated with hunting, drinking, racing, and fighting prowess. Many wild fae have made the choice to cross over into this new court in order to enjoy the benefits of Oberon’s influence. Though it is growing, this court is currently the weakest, although it is still the only one of the three not to choose a side in the war.



Mabuka, Firstborn, Queen of Air and Darkness


Queen Mabuka is Lith’s firstborn daughter, and is the most powerful of the Faerie Monarchs. Mabuka is regarded as the founder of the Unseelie Court, and the Wyld Hunt under the banner of the Raven Huntress. She is revered by the shadow fae as the Queen of Air and Darkness, and the ultimate authority within their court. She rules the Gloaming Court and oversees its oppressive caste system rewarding strength and creating a cutthroat society she believes leaves her with the most vicious and capable fae possible. Mabuka is cold and calculating, and her cruelty is even felt within her own family, as she captured her husband and pushed both her children to meet her expectations for their power and prowess. She was the instigator of the current court war, and is intent on winning outright.


Morgan le Fay, the Raven Princess


The youngest of Mabuka and Cernunnos’s children, Morgan le Fay, or Morgana, is a talented sorceress who’s trained under both her mother and Baba Yaga to hone her skills. A proud and selfish being, Morgana is jaded by a life time spent in her mother’s shadow, and feels very entitled to power and authority. One of the Deans of Scathe, her cold and hostile nature brought her into conflict with the mage spirit Merlin, and eventually resulted in her defeat. Morgan le Fay is called the Raven Princess, as she takes a great deal of aesthetic choices from her mother’s symbol, the raven.


Cernunnos, Lord of Prey and Hidden


The Horned Lord, Cernunnos is Mabuka’s husband, and a powerful Fae of prey and predator alike, renowned as the being that evaded the Wyld Hunt for decades on end, he is a powerful— if often repressed— archfae, as despite his wife’s affection, she is still cold towards him and is highly possessive, leading Cernunnos to have a rather withdrawn demeanor. He shares many physical similarities with their eldest child, Oberon. His weapon is a moonsilver hatchet that he can throw and swing with terrifying force and accuracy.

Agravain Shadefeather, First Ravencowl


Agravain is the spy mistress of the Gloaming Court, and acts as one of Mabuka’s Ravencowls, an elite force of powerful and loyal fae that form most of the court’s noble class. Agravain is one of the most skilled and elusive spies in the cosmos, and is recognized by those who are familiar with her as someone who can vanish into shadows even as you watch her. She acts as Morgan le Fay’s bodyguard and personal confidant, and is quite close with the princess.


Rith-Scáth, the Dark-Hooved


Mabuka’s favorite servant, Rith-Scáth is a shifter, able to turn into a shadow raven, a dark wolf, a shadowy horse, or back into a normal shadow fae. He is most famous as Mabuka’s mount during the Wyld Hunt, and acts as her personal messenger and a favored agent of her will. He is a cruel trickster and enjoys toying with others. Quite fast, he enjoys racing against other fae to try and improve his own speed, and thus increase his usefulness to his mistress.



Oberon, King of Shadows


The legendary warrior fae, Oberon is a powerful and handsome Archfae renowned for his immense physical prowess and commanding presence. He is married to Queen Titania, and though the two have had their differences, he does truly love her. On the other hand, his harsh childhood has left him with a strong conviction that only the strong and loyal are truly worth his time. He is not on the best of terms with his mother, as he feels that she pushed him too hard as a child. Regardless, he has become not only the leader of his own portion of the Unseelie Court, but also a Lord of the Hunt under the symbol of the bear, and is quite proud of his achievement.


Neo-bhàsmhor, the Steel Warrior


Known as the Steel Warrior, Neo is Oberon’s sparring partner and a former member of the Ravencowls, but when Oberon split off she followed him. She is regarded with a mixture of fear and awe for wearing enchanted steel armor over padded clothes to keep it from burning her, and wielding an enchanted steel sword. Neo is both a stern warrior and a hardy drinker. She most enjoys performing new feats to tell tales of or assisting Oberon in such feats. She doesn’t say much of her personal life, and court gossip suggests she’s jealous of Titania because she herself had a childhood crush on Oberon.


The Harpy Queen


The Lady of Song, the Harpy Queen or Lady Feather, is a former wild fae and a manipulative but rather neutral fae witch, having dealt with hags, she’s a user of hexcraft, as well as a rather traumatized individual. She lives each day as though it could be her last due to her trauma, and is exceedingly proud of the cliffs and skies of the Faewild over which she feels she has the right to rule. She admires Oberon’s strength of will and is excited at the prospect of a new Unseelie order.

Kerian Fae


Few others inspire as much fear as Baba Yaga. Her legend is known under many names: the First Hag, Great-Grandmother, the Old Witch, and the Bonemother. Baba Yaga’s exploits in Kerios have yielded her a great degree of power, and allows her to preside over the Kerian Unseelie as the leader of the Blood Circle. However, she is not restricted to Kerios, like the other trapped fae, and continues to travel through the cosmos, spreading suffering with every step. Her awful legacy has earned her the feat of becoming the bedtime horror for many archfae, including Oberon himself. She is however, bound in service to Mabuka after an ancient reckoning between the two, and acts as a member of the Gloaming Court as well.


De’mor, the Lone Hunter


De’mor is the de-facto leader of the Wild Circle, as he has been the most vocal about his support for the wild fae of Kerios banding together. Famed as a hunter for his cunning and his ingenuity, he keeps the Wild Circle united through a passion to preserve themselves and the land they love. De’mor, unlike many fae, is eager to collaborate with mortals and assist them in exchange for the fae lands remaining wild and free— at least until they can return to the Faewilds once more.


Riscari the Thorned


Riscari of the Blooming Circle is more relaxed than one might expect, for someone who was intimately aware of Kerios splitting apart. To them, the flora of Kerios will remain, and they will grow regardless of whatever happens, so why bother with affairs they cannot control? Thus, the Blooming Circle chooses to ignore their strange plight, choosing to celebrate their life as they have it… and enchant mortals to entrap them in thorns while their minds are filled with dreams sweet as nectar.