Legends > The Seelie

The Seelie Court

 Also commonly known as the Seasonal Court, the Seelie are artists of the faerie world, ruled over by the daughter of the World Tree, Queen Titania, whose mood changes not just her own appearance but the weather of the world around her. As moods change so does the world, and the season fae are masters of change and of expression. They wear their emotions openly, and enjoy the adoration, entertainment, and enchantment of others. These fae love to draw admirers and are quite charismatic. They take on more natural aspects such as flowers, emotions, or even moonlight as their powers.

Titania, Queen of Seasons


Born from a wound inflicted on the World Tree during the Spirit War, Titania is nature’s guardian, and a beacon of order and expression within the Faewilds. She is the embodiment of the seasons and cycles, and her beauty rivals that of Lith herself. Titania is a powerful spellcaster and is in tune with nature. She is not as combative as many other archfae, and prefers to strengthen her allies than face a foe personally. She is often benevolent, and when she met Oberon she was able to understand his pain, leading to their marriage. Titania is stubborn though, and is unyielding, even in the face of the Gloaming Court.


Floriash, Lord of Roses


The master of celebrations, Floriash is a well-liked and charismatic fae who has an insatiable taste for the spotlight that has made his relationship with his brother a troubled one. Regardless, this flowery Fae is most often associated with the season of Spring, as a bringer of joy. His yearly Festival of Roses is a legendary time of Faerie Gathering, and he is famous for his love of all things. Despite this, he is a competent warrior and acts as Titania’s right-hand during the war.


Aortelis, Lord of Hearts


The passionate and jealous Archfae of Love is associated most heavily with Summer, as his actions are often in the heat of the moment. This fae vampire dresses himself in the hypnotic silks of Glamour to attract the attention and hungry eyes he craves, he is known as a shameless man, and often gets himself into trouble in his attempts to seduce female fae to help fill the painful emptiness within him. He is a powerful, but not altogether pleasant member of the Seelie Court, but his capabilities as a strategist are enough to keep him in favor.

Lady Moonsinger


Lady Moonsinger is an abandoned member of the Kerios Seelie Fae, and an incredible musician. She is associated with the season of autumn for her eerie calm and illusions. She is a more antisocial Seelie Fae, preferring to let her music create emotions rather than her presence. Many nights her tunes ring through the Wilds, her crystal flute reverberating in the moonlight. She desires to see order returned to Kerios and restore the Seelie Court so she may perform on a new world and spread her music even further, and has become obsessed with returning to her homeland for that purpose.


Elphorella, the White Rose


While only a Greater Fae, Elphorella holds a great degree of influence and trust among the Seelie, and especially among the Rose Court. Seeming to be in a perpetual state of spring, her bubbly, overflowing excitement tends to soften even the hardest of hearts. Acting as Floriash’s chief advisor, Elphorella not only brings life to the party, but eagerly will oversee it when Floriash must step away to attend to other duties. She also is mistaken often for Floriash’s younger sibling, due to their close friendship.


Crowe, the Gloom-stricken


Crowe seems like a paradox within the Seelie court. Dressed in armor and clothing the color of raven feathers, most would assume he belongs amongst the Gloaming Court. However, Crowe is Floriash’s younger sibling and consider’s himself his brother’s rival. His emotions control his actions, and he is most often found in winter due to his jealousy. A renowned swordsman, Crowe finds himself seeking duels just to try and snap himself out of his self-inflicted misery.


Jägerin, the Witty Fox


The tricky Fox Fae is one of the Lords of the Hunt, and is the sister to Elerid, the Silver Wolf— a Wild Fae and another Lord of the Hunt. While not a seasonal fae, Jägerin is an integral member of the Seelie Court, especially during the current war, as she specializes in underhanded tactics and taking on monstrous enemies with the aid of her fox-fae daughters. She was trained in martial arts by a Nine-tailed Kitsune of Furusato, and is known to her fellows as both a sultry and lethal individual. Despite her comparative weakness to her peers, she certainly should not be underestimated.

Kerian Fae


Solaren, Sorcerer of the Sun


Solaren is the leader of the Celestial Circle, and is a dim remnant of what he once was. Most fae would associate him with a burning passion, and his overwhelming yet cheerful personality gave him an odd charisma, keeping the others in his circle in line with extravagant parties, tournaments, and feats of strength. Now, Solaren is a hungry husk, creating glittering lights in the sky over Norbrim, drawing all to an illusory feast. There, he can drain the warmth of the living in a desperate attempt to regain the glowing fervor he lost, four centuries ago.


Nuem, Archer of the Stars


Nuem is the leader of the Cosmic Circle, known for their curiosity and tall tales of their adventures. They were never one to pass up a challenge, agile and quick with a silver tongue and wit to match. There are many stories of them pestering Salvinia, attempting to befriend her and her daughter Iril, only to be rejected time and time again. Now, that rejection crushes them, and they lash out feverishly at any who are so unfortunate to come across them, hunting anyone or anything in their path.


Lunir, Knight of the Moons


Lunir is the leader of the Planetary Circle, and her name rings as one of steadfast nobility in the face of any obstacle. Cousin to Lady Moonsinger, she serves as a guardian to the Kerian shrine to the Seelie, and one of three gates into the Faewilds on Kerios. It has always been her purpose, and she remains there to this day, stoically standing at the ready, defending her home from any who dare trespass, be they a friend or foe.