Legends > Primal Gods

The Balance Must be Maintained

The divines of nature, created and overseen by the first Founding God, these beings of both chaos and order have the potential for light and darkness or neither. Behind it all, the omnipotent and Omniscient Goddess that oversees the Primal Gods watches and maintains the balance in the universe, reinforcing both of her brothers when necessary.

Zek, the Goddess of Balance

Zek is the eldest of all the gods, she has power over time, fate, reality, and the balance between things. She knows all and sees all, past, present, and future flash before her gleaming eyes. Often taking on serpentine forms, Zek creates in order to maintain a universe that all can exist in. All but those that endanger her balance that is, who she deals with quickly and forever, wiping them from reality. She is the only being known to have ever defeated Azerack, let alone in single combat. Without a doubt, Zek is incredibly powerful. She is always watching, distant, but caring; she created humanity and death personally and is often worshiped widely due to her incredible influence.


Oetheus, Goddess of Death

The Goddess of the Lands Beyond Life, only those with true immortality are fully immune to her dreaded blade-whip’s life snatching strike. Her agents hunt undead as she drags souls to the afterlife to maintain the cycle of life and death. She is detached and dutiful, one of the strongest Major Gods and charged with watching over something deep in her realm as well as billions of souls. Oetheus has never personally left her realm since the end of the Great Spirit War. She despises Asharderis as he steals souls from her realm to create more demons, but restrains herself. However, to necromancers the hatred of her devoted worshipers is directed in droves.

Lith, the Faerie Goddess

An infamously mischievous Major Goddess, Lith is the creator of Fae and Elves alike as well as the Goddess of Emotions and Love. She is regarded as the most beautiful being in the multiverse, and also one of the fastest. She is an active foe of Asharderis and Gothrag, as they see her as a rival in terms of skill. She is a mythical archer who can wipe out whole cities or even kingdoms with a single arrow if she drew in enough power. Though chaotic and mercurial, Lith is infamous for enforcing rules upon the creatures she creates. Lith is regarded well by her followers and the races she’s created due to her tendency to act mercifully towards mortals. She also enjoys more carnal pleasures, and is famous for making advances on multiple other gods. Her daughter Mabuka is the Queen of Air and Darkness, and the most powerful of the Fae, and Lith, much like Mabuka, has a dark side that’s best to avoid, despite her normal demeanor.


Artificis, the God of Gears

The enormous realm known as Artificis is a metallic planetoid that is in fact run by inconceivably complex machinery. The God of Inventions is said to have taken on this form and now uses the planet as a giant test and a giant lesson, teaching increasingly advanced mechanisms the deeper one descends into the realm. Artificis is not a Major God, however their ingenuity allows them to control a realm like this. Artificis is fascinated with innovation and loves complexity. This deity is usually removed and acts as a beacon of order in the chaos of reality. Artificis is renowned for such inventions as machines that have their own minds. Though as of yet, none have delved deep enough into the planet to reach the core.


The First Twisted

The First Twisted is the only bestial god among the Primal Court, and is also the youngest. Created during the Great Spirit War, the First manifested out of the mana and essence of Kerios following major damage and catastrophe to the planet. It is Kerios given will and form. After the war ended, the First continued to guard its home, though after everything was resolved it began to slumber. Some say it returned to whence it came, others say it remains as an integral part of Kerios, but the truth is unclear. Now that Kerios is damaged once again, smaller, independent Twisted-- seemingly children of the sleeping god-- have begun to appear and spread. Is this a sign of the First’s return, or has something else awoken?

Oka Raldar, the Twilight Goddess

The Goddess of Dusk and Dawn is the leader of the Primal Spirits on mainland Ithuan and the daughter of the Sovereigns of Night and Light. She is a lonely goddess, and one who takes her job very seriously, as during her youth, Ithuan came perilously close to destruction in the Great Spirit War. While she looks to the heavens for threats, she turns a blind eye to the wars of mortals, as it is not her duty to balance their society. But some claim she secretly holds a soft spot for one family in particular that has left Ithuan, an Archwarlock named Jessica Scarletspear, who was the first to approach her as a friend instead of in a subservient way, and Oka hasn’t forgotten that.


Salvinia, the Star Goddess

The self-styled daughter of Zek, Salvinia does everything she can to imitate the Founding Goddess despite her own status as a minor Goddess. She is quite strict with her own daughters, the stars, and follows rules to the letter rather than the intention, in an attempt to act how she thinks Zek would in her situation. She is judgemental, and has little tolerance for mortals who break rules. She is considered best left alone by many scholars as she’s infamously rather ill tempered towards those who distract her from her duties among the stars.


Qyrthila, the Primal Goddess

Qyrthila is a relatively quiet minor goddess, keeping to herself and defending her merfolk worshipers on the Isle Primordia. She is a woman of many mysteries, and little is known about her other than her belief that survival depends on becoming one with nature’s forces, particularly the water.