Legends > Dragon Lords

Dragon Lords


Aerious, Talons of Steel

(Sky Dragon)

17,823 years old, 92 feet long.

A famous spellcaster, and artificer, the dragon Archmage Aerious is a streak of scarlet in the air, her glinting metal arm glowing as she casts spells. The genius and power of Aerious are legendary, as is her pride, and her dismissiveness of other dragons, preferring instead the company of mortals, opting to teach at Scathe. Aerious even held the position of Dean for an extended period. Her mastery of the arcane and incredible intellect set her apart from her peers, as perhaps the most powerful Dragon Lord, though not the most physically so.


Vasheron, the Eternal Flame

(Mountain Dragon)

41,503 years old, 123 feet long.

This ancient sapphire scaled Dragon Lord has ruled the passage between Dulatica and Kelratra for millennium, defending it in the Great Spirit War, and beyond. Renowned for his numerous brood, and his great strength and martial skill, Vasheron has lived a long and glorious life. As of late, his descendants and servant drakes have been at war with the elves of Clan Shockwind, a fight which has cost Vasheron his mate and his left eye. Now, as his twilight years approach, the great Dragon Lord dreads the day his great and mighty flame will be snuffed out


Slagbreather, the Beast of Gorgabad

(Dark Dragon)

35,666 years old, 114 feet long.

This mighty dark dragon is the Grandson of Iquatet, and a prime specimen of his species. Key to his longevity is his master, Lord Nazal, right hand of the Warlord God. Nazal takes great pride in his ally, and in turn Slagbreather serves as his watchdog and mount. Like with most dark dragons, the spines that grow from Slagbreather’s body grow unpredictably, which has necessitated a lot of care and effort to keep him a fearsome defender of the Ashen Lands. In his lair beneath the Tower of Gorgabad, the monstrous reptile awaits the day when his master once again calls him to war.


Panoptes, the Golden Dawn

(Desert Dragon)

24,329 years old, 86 feet long.

In the glory days of the dragons of Kerios, Panoptes was a connoisseur of fine wines, and other such amenities, as well as mystical knowledge. He was a cautious and paranoid individual and kept multiple false lairs to hide himself from thieves. At the outbreak of the war with the elves, Panoptes was already prepared. A bunker-like “tomb” set beneath a step-pyramid of stone in the desert lands of Varbrim. He filled it with traps, curses, and elemental spirits, sealing himself within the inner-sanctum. There he has awaited word from the survivors, spending time sleeping, drinking, and feasting on fineries brought by his golem servants and whatever followers and cultists he has attracted over the years.


Khione, Wings of Mourning

(Mountain Dragon)

14,087 years old, 79 feet long.

Like a solemn cloud over the sun, Khione’s blue wings, once brilliant, have been bleached by a powerful poison used by the elves, now a paler shade. At the end of the war against the Kerian elves, Khione gathered what survivors she could from her shattered people, and led the Kerian dragons into the unknown. Since then little has been heard of her and her kin. Although stories are whispered of a dragon, head lowered in sorrow, with scales the color of a pale sky drifting through the heavens to this day.


Orum, of the Sea

(Sea Dragon)

38,256 years old, 268 feet long.

Old and colossal, Orum has grown even greater than many of his fellow aquatic kin, and is seen akin to a god by the Merga. This massive serpentine dragon avoids conflict and counts away the years, collecting pearls and stories from his home deep beneath the waves. Orum enjoys conversing with extraplanar entities and has been known to converse with Gods, summon demons, and call on elementals and celestials just to hear their stories.